Nominations for Senior Awards close by 5pm on Monday 20th May.
16 May 2024 by Natalie Robbins
Dear Members,
OGSLSC has wonderful members who actively contribute and achieve great things for themselves and their club. We hope that many of you will consider nominating for our major awards, as follows:
John Bishop Memorial Best Club Person Award.
Ray Johnson Memorial Nipper Award
Barry Renton Memorial Best Competitor Award
Best Carnival Team Award
All nominations close by 5pm on Monday 20th May.
Nomination forms are attached. You’ll also find nomination forms (in Word) on the club website, in the Members Only General Docs section. The password for that section is ogclubbie
Our constitution states that ‘a member shall not be entitled to vote (or to nominate/be nominated) if that member has a debt to the club that has been owing for greater than 30 days’, so make sure your account is up to date.
PS please note that membership renewals don’t open until 1 August 2024, after fees are confirmed. Please don’t renew and pay just yet, on the Members Area.
Thank you,
OGSLSC Administrator
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